
You and I on a swing-
Old bearings creak a melancholy rhyme
Through their class room windows school kids throw inquisitive gazes looking to see me kiss
And one security guard suspicious, rummaging over the ‘code of conducts’-
You and I on a swing.

You and I on a swing-
It's only you It's only I
Me munching the sweet breakfast you made ( in which you forgot to add the gravy)
And then
We touch we kiss
It’s fun, It’s bliss
Your head on my shoulder
My arms around you
And you trying to calibrate the legality of my restless hands-
You and I on a swing.

You and I on a swing.
And then with us we pick up egos
Yours and mine;
and one entire year of your fight
and some dozes of your insecurity-
You and I on a swing.

You and I on a swing-
You ask a volley of questions
You keep thinking of the future
You keep figuring out our roles
And you keep explaining why it is not love yet, and will perhaps never be!
But don’t you see it dear
You and I are on a swing
That glides to and fro
In the same rhythm
Keeping once you on the higher ground
Once me
For the same time duration:
And then, the swing is not about saying but about feeling!
It matters not what you say, but what you feel, what I feel!

You and I on a swing!

Growing up in the sailor's garden, the chameleon faces a new dilemma; one that pierces his heart and stifles his mind. The job is not to blend in but to stand out. But the butterflies of his time are either in the professor's garden or in the banker's files. The young butterflies, though very colorful, are themselves colorblind. No body spots the chameleon. And while they beautifully flap their colorful wings, they cannot make an intelligent conversation.
.....and for the chameleon an intelligent conversation is better than sex!!

The chameleon is pensive. The vines in the sailor's garden are too thick. Perhaps it is a task of piercing through, not gliding them. The chameleon keeps wondering....

... and the sailor waits for a wind in his sails

... the chameleon in the sailor's garden
... the butterflies in the chameleon's eyes!

My queen, I know I was abrupt
Like a volcano i did erupt
In your facebook chat
Only that I was filled with fun not fire, love not hate.
So why haven't you dropped a word?
I will lay bare my neck, swing your sword
if you think it makes you feel
any better to kill
this lost romeo of your smile;
go ahead and do it at this auspicious while!
mother I will wipe your tears some other day
mother, even if nothing else,  I got one pocket full of courage to take on this world .

poem#41 Get up mother fucker you got a world to rule
mosha rokto kheye pore jacche
she nishup, ghumonto.
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